About US

On January 1, 1989, county solid waste authorities were created
and established by the West Virginia Legislature as public
agencies in every county of West Virginia. The Brooke County
Solid Waste Authority (BCSWA) is managed by a five-member all
volunteer board of directors appointed by various county and
state agencies; two by the Brooke County Commission, one by the
Northern Panhandle Soil Conservation District, one by the
Department of Environmental Protection, and the fifth by the
Public Service Commission.
The BCSWA is also responsible for arranging, managing, and
educating the community on proper and ecologically sound
disposal and/or recycling of all solid waste materials generated
within Brooke County.
Duties of the solid waste authority include but are not limited
to the following:
- Develop / Update the Brooke County Comprehensive Litter and Solid Waste
Control Plan.
- Develop / Update the Brooke County Recycling Plan as a
component of the Comprehensive Litter and Solid Waste Plan.
- Develop / Update a Brooke County Commercial Solid Waste
Facility Siting Plan.
- Promote and encourage source reduction, reuse, and
recycling activities.
- Identify and report open dumps within the county.
- Issue / Deny site approval permitting for commercial
solid waste facilities.
- Coordinate public and private sector solid waste
- Implement a mandatory disposal program.
The BCSWA receives funding though tipping fees generated by
landfills. A portion of the tax that is assessed to every ton
of garbage dumped in WV is collected by the Solid Waste
Management Board and divided equally among all state Solid Waste